Robotics Club


Joining Robotics Club during my sophomore year was probably one of the best decisions I made in my high school career. When I first learned about Robotics Club, there were no girls in the club whatsoever, which struck me as unacceptable. I'm a strong believer that women deserve equal footing in the world of tech as men, and it was shocking to me that the inequality between genders is present even before college in this field of work.

So, I decided to create our high school's first all-girls robotics team. When I founded this team, we had hardly any experience in coding, let alone building an entire functional robot. But, our team worked diligently to create the robot that would take us all the way to States. We worked on it during every lunch period we had, and brought it home over school breaks to insure we were as prepared for upcoming competitions as possible. We ended up winning Tournament Champion at just our second competition, and went on to represent our school at the NNYS VEX Turning Point State Championships. The following year we made it to States for the second time as well, and we hope to go for our third year in a row this upcoming season!

In Robotics I also was elected to the position of Webmaster for my junior and senior years of high school. The job of the Webmaster is to code a website for the club that advertises our upcoming competitions, thanks sponsors, and showcases all of our school's teams. This position taught me how to effectively work with my superiors and deliver a product in a way that exceeds the expectations of the client. I thought of my club advisor as a client, as I had many meetings with him to insure that the website was exactly what our club needed. I also learned to delegate responsibilities to others and efficiently communicate what was needed from them. I did this by giving each team input on what they wanted their part of the website to look like and what they wanted it to say about their teams.

Robotics Club has provided me with friendships that will last a lifetime, memories that I will cherish forever, as well as the skills necessary to be a great leader. This truly is an all-consuming club and I'm so grateful for everything it has taught me.